Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (2 items)
2 items
Ricoh Theta S Ranks as Amazon's Best-Seller: The Ricoh Theta S 360-degree camera ranks as Amazon's #1… https://t.co/pyoW20zUVU
June 17, 2016 at 06:25PM
Pentax K-1 Available in the US: The Pentax K-1 is in stock and ready to ship in the US as of June 17, 2016. https://t.co/OPWDwotmG5
June 17, 2016 at 10:12PM
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Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (1 item)
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Pentax K-50 Discontinued: We say farewell to the Pentax K-50, discontinued as of mid-2016. https://t.co/qZWxW3EeIm
June 16, 2016 at 07:31PM
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Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (1 item)
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Creating Out-of-focus Backgrounds using Lightroom: This guide shows you one way of creating out of focus… https://t.co/3scTa9IyRq
June 15, 2016 at 05:57PM
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Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (3 items)
3 items
Win a SanDisk Extreme Pro 64Gb SDXC Card: Win an ultra-fast 64 Gb SD card for your DSLR in our one-day… https://t.co/GIDSmFSMVV
June 12, 2016 at 08:43AM
ペンタックスFA50mm F1.4は今でも十分な性能のレンズ(デジカメinfo): ePHOTOzine に、ペンタックスFA50mm F1.4 のフルサイズ機(K-1)によるテスト記事が掲載されています。 https://t.co/plMX1HKbec
June 12, 2016 at 09:20PM
Pentax K-70 User's Manual Available: Download the PDF user manual for the Pentax K-70 DSLR. https://t.co/gTtbqHFphI
June 13, 2016 at 04:25PM
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Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (4 items)
4 items
HD Pentax-DA 55-300mm F4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR RE Announced: The HD Pentax-DA 55-300mm F4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR RE is a… https://t.co/41ydGwCN9L
June 09, 2016 at 07:45AM
Pentax K-70 Officially Announced: The Pentax K-70 is a beginner-friendly weather-sealed DSLR offering… https://t.co/TqdSNH9hom
June 09, 2016 at 08:24AM
リコーイメージングが「PENTAX K-70」を正式発表(デジカメinfo): リコーイメージングがスタンダードクラスの一眼レフカメラ「PENTAX K-70」を正式に発表しました。 https://t.co/2UJ2vJtydU
June 09, 2016 at 10:39AM
リコーイメージングが「HD PENTAX-DA 55-300mmF4.5-6.3ED PLM WR RE」を正式発表(デジカメinfo): リコーイメージングが沈胴式の軽量コンパクトなAPS-C用望遠ズーム「HD… https://t.co/L97WduYqYW
June 09, 2016 at 10:57AM
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Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (2 items)
2 items
ペンタックスK-70の画像と詳細スペック(デジカメinfo): 読者の方から、ペンタックスX-70の画像とスペックに関する追加情報を提供していただきました。 https://t.co/Pxt5QwusDm
June 08, 2016 at 06:52PM
「HD PENTAX-DA55-300mm F4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR RE」の画像と詳細スペック(デジカメinfo): 読者の方から、ペンタックスの新しい望遠ズーム「HD PENTAX-DA55-300mm… https://t.co/kQcKnaSHCq
June 08, 2016 at 07:25PM
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Daily Digest: New tweet by @pentaxpond with hashtag #news (2 items)
2 items
ペンタックスが間もなく「HD PENTAX-DA 55-300mmF4.5-6.3ED PLM WR RE」を発表?(デジカメinfo):… https://t.co/KnofTRpnQf #news...
June 07, 2016 at 10:59PM
2016 Pentax Forums T-Shirt Contest: The official 2016 Pentax Forum T-shirt design contest is live! https://t.co/dtqmq0XcYS
June 08, 2016 at 12:19AM
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